Annual Awards for Social Studies Educators
You may nominate a colleague for an annual award at any time! Awards are presented at the annual conference, but we accept and encourage nominations throughout the year. Please review the categories below and consider nominating a colleague.
You may nominate a colleague for an annual award at any time! Awards are presented at the annual conference, but we accept and encourage nominations throughout the year. Please review the categories below and consider nominating a colleague.
President Carter Service Learning Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize teachers and students for their efforts in service learning. Service learning goes beyond community service to include background knowledge and research of an issue to which students can connect. Projects should examine not only the current status of the community issue, but should also include a study of the causes and the possible solutions.
● Unique for Civics, Government, Modern Problems and addressing contemporary issues classes
● Participation in Project Citizen, Citizen Action Project or other such programs
● Demonstrating civic virtue that results in change that the community can benefit from.
● A service learning project that brings the school and/or class to have involvement in identifying a current event, analyzing and working through the proper channels to a desired result.
● Must be initiated by a Social Studies teacher and have a clear learning objective tied to Nebraska Standards.
NSCSS Outstanding Educator Award for Congressional Districts
First Congressional District Outstanding Social Studies Teacher
Second Congressional District Outstanding Social Studies Teacher Third Congressional District Outstanding Social Studies Teacher
NSCSS also recognizes one outstanding social studies educator in each of the three Congressional Districts. Emphasis on innovative classroom instruction building on curriculum to create more engagement of students in learning.
● Adapting to learning challenges in diverse communities
● Engaging with students with activities outside of class that promote engagement with the community like civic engagement, enhanced learning opportunities in the public and private sectors.
● Rising to the challenges of making Social Studies education relevant to today.
Awardees should be a classroom or activity teacher who has demonstrated exceptional abilities as a social studies instructor that results in more than a traditional learning experience for students.
● Achievements in Social Studies, Humanities or one of the extra-curricular disciplines related to it (geography bee, political activism, get-out-the-vote campaigns, academic competitions like debate, National Economics Challenge, We the People, Project Citizen, Academic Decathlon, Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, IB, etc.)
● Classroom instructors who create inclusive and active learning opportunities in their classroom that creates more relevance for students with the curriculum.
● Must teach in the Congressional District that they are nominated from.
Outstanding Clinical Practice Educator in Social Studies Award
This award recognizes excellence in social studies/humanities instruction at the elementary or secondary level by a clinical practice candidate (student teacher). Outstanding clinical practice candidates should demonstrate social studies instruction that engages all learners and a willingness to accept feedback to improve their practice and advance their development as an effective social studies teacher.
● Recommendation from supervising teacher and cooperating teacher.
● Effective Pedagogy**: This criterion assesses the student teacher's ability to effectively deliver social studies content to students. It includes evaluating their instructional strategies, differentiation, ability to make content relevant to diverse learners, classroom management, and the use of innovative and engaging teaching methods.
● Content Knowledge**: A strong understanding of social studies content is crucial for effective teaching. Evaluate the depth and breadth of the student teacher's knowledge in social studies subjects. Consider their ability to convey complex concepts in an accessible manner and encourage critical thinking in students.
● Relationship Building**: Effective social studies teachers build positive relationships with their students, creating a conducive learning environment. Assess the student teacher's interpersonal skills, their ability to connect with students of different backgrounds and abilities, and their efforts to foster a classroom culture of respect, inclusivity, and empathy.
● Reflective Practice and Professional Growth**: A commitment to continuous improvement and reflective practice is vital for becoming an outstanding teacher. Evaluate the student teacher's capacity to reflect on their teaching experiences, adjust their strategies based on feedback and self-assessment, and demonstrate a willingness to learn from their mistakes and successes. Consider their engagement in professional development opportunities and their contribution to the social studies teaching community.
The purpose of this award is to recognize teachers and students for their efforts in service learning. Service learning goes beyond community service to include background knowledge and research of an issue to which students can connect. Projects should examine not only the current status of the community issue, but should also include a study of the causes and the possible solutions.
● Unique for Civics, Government, Modern Problems and addressing contemporary issues classes
● Participation in Project Citizen, Citizen Action Project or other such programs
● Demonstrating civic virtue that results in change that the community can benefit from.
● A service learning project that brings the school and/or class to have involvement in identifying a current event, analyzing and working through the proper channels to a desired result.
● Must be initiated by a Social Studies teacher and have a clear learning objective tied to Nebraska Standards.
NSCSS Outstanding Educator Award for Congressional Districts
First Congressional District Outstanding Social Studies Teacher
Second Congressional District Outstanding Social Studies Teacher Third Congressional District Outstanding Social Studies Teacher
NSCSS also recognizes one outstanding social studies educator in each of the three Congressional Districts. Emphasis on innovative classroom instruction building on curriculum to create more engagement of students in learning.
● Adapting to learning challenges in diverse communities
● Engaging with students with activities outside of class that promote engagement with the community like civic engagement, enhanced learning opportunities in the public and private sectors.
● Rising to the challenges of making Social Studies education relevant to today.
Awardees should be a classroom or activity teacher who has demonstrated exceptional abilities as a social studies instructor that results in more than a traditional learning experience for students.
● Achievements in Social Studies, Humanities or one of the extra-curricular disciplines related to it (geography bee, political activism, get-out-the-vote campaigns, academic competitions like debate, National Economics Challenge, We the People, Project Citizen, Academic Decathlon, Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, IB, etc.)
● Classroom instructors who create inclusive and active learning opportunities in their classroom that creates more relevance for students with the curriculum.
● Must teach in the Congressional District that they are nominated from.
Outstanding Clinical Practice Educator in Social Studies Award
This award recognizes excellence in social studies/humanities instruction at the elementary or secondary level by a clinical practice candidate (student teacher). Outstanding clinical practice candidates should demonstrate social studies instruction that engages all learners and a willingness to accept feedback to improve their practice and advance their development as an effective social studies teacher.
● Recommendation from supervising teacher and cooperating teacher.
● Effective Pedagogy**: This criterion assesses the student teacher's ability to effectively deliver social studies content to students. It includes evaluating their instructional strategies, differentiation, ability to make content relevant to diverse learners, classroom management, and the use of innovative and engaging teaching methods.
● Content Knowledge**: A strong understanding of social studies content is crucial for effective teaching. Evaluate the depth and breadth of the student teacher's knowledge in social studies subjects. Consider their ability to convey complex concepts in an accessible manner and encourage critical thinking in students.
● Relationship Building**: Effective social studies teachers build positive relationships with their students, creating a conducive learning environment. Assess the student teacher's interpersonal skills, their ability to connect with students of different backgrounds and abilities, and their efforts to foster a classroom culture of respect, inclusivity, and empathy.
● Reflective Practice and Professional Growth**: A commitment to continuous improvement and reflective practice is vital for becoming an outstanding teacher. Evaluate the student teacher's capacity to reflect on their teaching experiences, adjust their strategies based on feedback and self-assessment, and demonstrate a willingness to learn from their mistakes and successes. Consider their engagement in professional development opportunities and their contribution to the social studies teaching community.

The Paul Beck Outstanding
Social Studies Educator Award
This award is the most prestigious award given by the NSCSS. It is intended to recognize people who have made a major impact over the years on the social studies teaching profession in the state of Nebraska.
Dr. Beck was a very popular university professor who specialized in U.S. diplomatic history. He was a long time member of the Organization of American Historians and did presentations for the OAH as well as the annual Missouri Valley History Conferences held in Omaha. In 1979 Dr. Philip S. Holmgren (former chairman of the Kearney State College Department of History and Philosophy) stated “Paul was a good classroom man and pioneered a number of courses, including one in black history.” He made numerous presentations for area teacher conferences and meetings. He served as an advisor for several social teachers seeking a master’s degree in history at UNO. He was always willing to share his expertise in social studies with any teacher who needed help His most endearing attribute was that he was a genuine friend, mentor and advocate for social studies teachers in the private and public schools.
The Nebraska State Council for Social Studies created the annual Paul Beck Award in 1975. Past winners have included both university professors and teachers in the public and private schools. Winners of the award have included: Harris Payne, Dr. Rick Kolowski, Dr. Orville Menard, Dr. Steve Bullock, Mary Lynn Reiser, Lonnie Moore, and our most recent winner--Dr. Karen Graff.
● Published in a regional or national journal relating to education.
● Has promoted Social Studies education via social media as a YouTube channel, Instagram or TikTok.
● Used public roles to promote Social Studies through legislation, using community resources, active participation in professional organizations.
● Educational promotion of Social Studies excellence as an advisor, curriculum specialist or mentoring new teachers who pursue careers in Social Studies.
This award is intended for someone toward the end of their career who has served in a wide breadth of the field. Harris Payne had a long history of distinction as a classroom teacher where he engaged students as a personable and imaginative lesson planner and presenter. Students understood their community through his lessons. He later served as the Omaha Public Schools Social Studies Coordinator and State Social Studies Education Specialist. He administered grants and shared countless resources through grants and professional connections. This is not an annual award. It is a special award of the highest distinction from NSCSS. This award is offered in special circumstances only.
● Nominee has been a previous award winner with the NSCSS and/or NCSS.
● A public person who helped promote Social Studies education with funding initiatives to get resources for students and teachers.
● Promoted Social Studies in a legislative or citizen lobbyist collaboration.
Application Process for Any Awards: Any 2 of the following list may be used for applying for ONE award a year. The applications for nominees not awarded will be kept for one year to be reviewed again the following year.
● A narrative, consisting of no more than 500 words describing achievements in one of the five specified areas:
○ develop or use instructional materials creatively and effectively.
○ incorporate innovative and verifiable, effective instructional strategies and techniques.
○ utilize new scholarship from appropriate fields.
○ foster the development and practice of citizen participation among students.
○ show evidence of professional involvement such as sharing expertise in workshops, curriculum development committees, association and council activities, etc.
● letters of support.
● evaluations, classroom observation, data and other supporting documents not to exceed an additional ten pages.
● a vita or professional resume prepared by the nominee.
If you have any questions, contact Executive Secretary Richard Brown at [email protected]
To nominate a candidate, complete and submit the form below. Then email supporting documents.
Social Studies Educator Award
This award is the most prestigious award given by the NSCSS. It is intended to recognize people who have made a major impact over the years on the social studies teaching profession in the state of Nebraska.
Dr. Beck was a very popular university professor who specialized in U.S. diplomatic history. He was a long time member of the Organization of American Historians and did presentations for the OAH as well as the annual Missouri Valley History Conferences held in Omaha. In 1979 Dr. Philip S. Holmgren (former chairman of the Kearney State College Department of History and Philosophy) stated “Paul was a good classroom man and pioneered a number of courses, including one in black history.” He made numerous presentations for area teacher conferences and meetings. He served as an advisor for several social teachers seeking a master’s degree in history at UNO. He was always willing to share his expertise in social studies with any teacher who needed help His most endearing attribute was that he was a genuine friend, mentor and advocate for social studies teachers in the private and public schools.
The Nebraska State Council for Social Studies created the annual Paul Beck Award in 1975. Past winners have included both university professors and teachers in the public and private schools. Winners of the award have included: Harris Payne, Dr. Rick Kolowski, Dr. Orville Menard, Dr. Steve Bullock, Mary Lynn Reiser, Lonnie Moore, and our most recent winner--Dr. Karen Graff.
● Published in a regional or national journal relating to education.
● Has promoted Social Studies education via social media as a YouTube channel, Instagram or TikTok.
● Used public roles to promote Social Studies through legislation, using community resources, active participation in professional organizations.
● Educational promotion of Social Studies excellence as an advisor, curriculum specialist or mentoring new teachers who pursue careers in Social Studies.
This award is intended for someone toward the end of their career who has served in a wide breadth of the field. Harris Payne had a long history of distinction as a classroom teacher where he engaged students as a personable and imaginative lesson planner and presenter. Students understood their community through his lessons. He later served as the Omaha Public Schools Social Studies Coordinator and State Social Studies Education Specialist. He administered grants and shared countless resources through grants and professional connections. This is not an annual award. It is a special award of the highest distinction from NSCSS. This award is offered in special circumstances only.
● Nominee has been a previous award winner with the NSCSS and/or NCSS.
● A public person who helped promote Social Studies education with funding initiatives to get resources for students and teachers.
● Promoted Social Studies in a legislative or citizen lobbyist collaboration.
Application Process for Any Awards: Any 2 of the following list may be used for applying for ONE award a year. The applications for nominees not awarded will be kept for one year to be reviewed again the following year.
● A narrative, consisting of no more than 500 words describing achievements in one of the five specified areas:
○ develop or use instructional materials creatively and effectively.
○ incorporate innovative and verifiable, effective instructional strategies and techniques.
○ utilize new scholarship from appropriate fields.
○ foster the development and practice of citizen participation among students.
○ show evidence of professional involvement such as sharing expertise in workshops, curriculum development committees, association and council activities, etc.
● letters of support.
● evaluations, classroom observation, data and other supporting documents not to exceed an additional ten pages.
● a vita or professional resume prepared by the nominee.
If you have any questions, contact Executive Secretary Richard Brown at [email protected]
To nominate a candidate, complete and submit the form below. Then email supporting documents.